Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach
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Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach

Original price was: ₹240.00.Current price is: ₹159.00.

  • Dimensions in cm ( L x H) – 5 X 5 cm | Material – Metal
  • Kali Yantra bestows spiritual power, and results in fulfillment of desires, increase in wealth and comforts of life. This Yantra is also a time-tested remedy against chronic diseases like blood pressure, paralysis and nervous disorders, as per the ancient vedic texts.
  • It is Believed that This Yantra has occult powers & it’s worship reverses the ill-effects of black magic, and frees a person from the bad influences of spirits & ghosts. This Yantra also eliminates the harmful effects of malefic planets, especially Saturn, which are usually responsible for misfortunes, sufferings and sorrows in life.
  • Shri Maha Kali Yantra is the most powerful Yantra in the arena of Yantras for being the Yantra
  • Mantra for Maha Kali Yantra “Om Kareeng Kalekaye Namah, Om Kapalingaye Namah


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Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach 

Are you seeking divine protection, the banishing of negativity, and the fulfillment of your deepest desires? Discover the extraordinary power of the Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach. This sacred yantra, steeped in Vedic wisdom, channels the fierce and transformative energy of Goddess Mahakali – a potent force for overcoming obstacles, attaining spiritual growth, and manifesting abundance.

The Power of Mahakali

Mahakali: The Embodiment of Primordial Power

In the vibrant tapestry of Hinduism, Mahakali emerges as a complex and awe-inspiring figure. She is not merely a goddess but a representation of fundamental cosmic forces:

  • Shakti Unbound: Mahakali is the ultimate manifestation of Shakti – the dynamic feminine energy that animates the universe. She is creation and destruction, the fertile ground of being and the consuming force that returns everything to its source.
  • Destroyer of Illusion (Maya): Mahakali is associated with the dissolution of ego and the shattering of illusions that keep us bound to suffering. Her fierce form reminds us that all worldly attachments and concepts of self are ultimately transient.
  • Time and Death: Mahakali is intimately linked to time (Kala) and its inevitable companion, death. She symbolizes the ceaseless flow of change and the liberation that lies beyond the fear of mortality.
  • Compassionate Protector: While her iconography can be startling, Mahakali is a fiercely protective mother figure to her devotees. She destroys negativity, evil influences, and any forces that hinder spiritual progress.

Mahakali in Iconography

Mahakali’s visual depictions are unforgettable and laden with symbolism:

  • Dark Skin: Her deep black or blue skin represents the infinite cosmos, the formless void from which all creation springs.
  • Multiple Limbs: Often shown with ten arms, she signifies her boundless power and reach in all directions. These arms may hold weapons signifying the destruction of negative forces, or objects like a severed head (ego) or a bowl to collect the blood of demons (illusion).
  • Garland of Skulls: The skulls represent both vanquished demons and the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, signifying that she is the source of all sound and language.
  • Lolling Tongue: Her protruding tongue can be interpreted as an act of consuming negativity or a sign of embarrassment after trampling upon her consort, Shiva.
  • Shiva Connection: Mahakali is often depicted standing or dancing upon the prone form of Shiva. This powerful image symbolizes her dynamic, transformative energy in contrast with Shiva’s still, meditative nature.

The Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra

A Yantra is a sacred geometric diagram that acts as a focusing point for the energy of a particular deity. The Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra is a potent tool for:

  • Protection: Invokes Mahakali’s protective energies, shielding the devotee from negativity, black magic, misfortune, and malicious spirits.
  • Overcoming Obstacles: Helps clear away blockages on material and spiritual levels, attracting abundance, success, and overall well-being.
  • Spiritual Growth: Facilitates a deeper connection with Mahakali’s fierce but compassionate energy, aiding in self-transformation and the shattering of illusions.
  • Tapping into Shakti Power: Channels the raw, feminine creative energy that Mahakali represents.

Note: It’s important to remember that Mahakali is a figure of great complexity. While she can be a fierce destroyer, her ultimate purpose is liberation and the protection of her devotees.

Benefits of the Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach

Spiritual Awakening:

Deepen your connection with Mahakali’s fierce and compassionate nature, stimulating spiritual growth and inner strength.

  • Facing the Shadow Self: Mahakali’s challenging energy compels us to confront our inner demons – the fears, attachments, and negative patterns that hold us back. By working with the Yantra, you may become more aware of these hidden aspects of yourself, leading to greater self-understanding and the impetus for change.
  • Tapping into Inner Strength: Mahakali embodies a fierce brand of protective, transformative power. Meditating on her Yantra can awaken your own reserves of inner strength and resilience, especially in the face of adversity.
  • Dissolving Ego, Embracing the Divine: Mahakali’s association with time and destruction reminds us to let go of the illusion of a permanent, unchanging self. This can facilitate a deeper spiritual awakening, and a realization of the interconnectedness of all beings.

Unleash Prosperity and Abundance:

Attract wealth, success, and material abundance by removing obstacles and aligning with positive energies.

  • Clearing Obstacles: While not a guarantee of material wealth, the Mahakali Yantra is believed to clear obstacles from your path. These obstacles might be external forces hindering your progress, or internal blocks like limiting beliefs or self-sabotaging patterns.
  • Attracting Positive Energy: By removing negativity and destructive patterns, the Yantra can create space for positive energies of abundance and opportunity to flow into your life.
  • Alignment with Purpose: Spiritual growth often involves aligning with your true purpose or dharma. The clarity and strength gained through Mahakali’s energy can help you discover your path and manifest your goals.

Overcome Negativity:

Protect yourself from evil influences, black magic, misfortune, and the harmful effects of planets like Saturn (Shani).

  • Energetic Shield: The primary purpose of any protection Yantra is to create a shield around the devotee, warding off harmful energies, negative intentions, and psychic attacks.
  • Breaking Negative Patterns: Black magic and misfortunes can be seen as manifestations of deeply ingrained negative thought patterns and energetic imbalances. The Mahakali Yantra can help break these patterns.
  • Astrological Influence: In Vedic astrology, Saturn (Shani) is associated with challenges, delays, and restrictions. The Mahakali Yantra is believed to mitigate the negative effects of a poorly placed Saturn.

Health and Well-being:

Experience improvement in chronic conditions like blood pressure, paralysis, and nervous disorders. (Disclaimer: Consult your doctor along with spiritual practices)

  • Important Disclaimer: It’s crucial to emphasize that the Yantra is a spiritual tool; it should never replace conventional medical advice. Always consult your doctor for the diagnosis and treatment of any health condition.
  • Holistic Approach: Vedic understanding views health as a balance of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. The Mahakali Yantra may support healing by removing energetic blockages and creating inner peace.
  • Stress Reduction: The Yantra’s power to protect from negativity and cultivate tranquility can positively impact stress-related disorders.

Peace and Tranquility:

Find inner peace, overcome fears, and cultivate a sense of calmness amidst life’s challenges.

  • Transcending Fear: Mahakali’s fierceness is that of a protector. By connecting with her energy, you can cultivate the courage to face and overcome deep-seated fears.
  • Calming the Mind: Regular meditation with the Yantra can aid in stilling a restless mind, promoting peace and clarity even within challenging circumstances.
  • Emotional Balance: Mahakali’s destructive aspect paves the way for new growth. Working with her energy can aid in processing difficult emotions, releasing negativity, and restoring emotional balance.

Features of Our Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach

Crafted from Astadhatu: Power in the Alloy

  • Astadhatu Definition: Astadhatu is a sacred blend of eight metals, traditionally including gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, tin, iron, and mercury. Each metal carries its own symbolic and energetic properties.
  • Amplified Energy: The combination of metals in Astadhatu is believed to create a synergistic effect, enhancing the Yantra’s ability to channel and amplify Mahakali’s powerful vibrations.
  • Spiritual Significance: The use of Astadhatu signifies the dedication and reverence offered to the Yantra. It indicates an understanding that the material itself plays a significant role in its spiritual power.

Precision Etching: The Power of Geometry

  • Intricate Patterns: The geometric design of a Mahakali Yantra comprises interlocking triangles, circles, lotus petals, and other sacred forms. These are not mere decoration but a visual embodiment of cosmic principles and the interplay of energies.
  • Importance of Accuracy: Careful etching ensures that every line and curve of the Yantra is precise. Even the slightest deviation could compromise its power and focus. Etching, therefore, requires skill and attention to detail.
  • Maximum Power: Precise rendering of the Yantra pattern guarantees that it functions at its full potential as a conduit for divine energy.

Perfect Size: Versatility in Use

  • Practical for Wear: At 5cm x 5cm, the Kavach is proportioned to easily be worn as a pendant. This allows the wearer to keep the protective and empowering energy of Mahakali close at all times.
  • Home or Altar Placement: The Kavach’s size makes it equally suitable for placing within a sacred space in the home or on a personal altar. This creates a focal point for worship, meditation, and invoking Mahakali’s blessings.

Mantra-Infused: Unlocking the Yantra’s Potential

  • The Mantra’s Role: Chanting the specific Mahakali mantra (“Om Kareeng Kalekaye Namah, Om Kapalingaye Namah”) activates the Yantra, attuning it to Mahakali’s resonant frequencies.
  • Sound and Symbolism: The mantra itself embodies Mahakali’s essence through its seed syllables and invocation of her names. It acts in synergy with the visual representation of her energy in the Yantra.
  • Full Potential: By combining the Yantra (visual form) with the mantra (sound form), the devotee unlocks the Yantra’s full capacity as a tool for spiritual connection, protection, and transformation.

Rituals and Practices

Consecration Ritual

Consecration is a sacred act that infuses the Yantra with its intended energy and awakens its spiritual power. Here’s a simple ritual you can perform:

  1. Purification: Begin by physically cleansing the Kavach with clean water or by passing it through incense smoke. Find a quiet and undisturbed space for the ritual.
  2. Set Your Intention: Take a few moments to center yourself and visualize the Yantra channeling Mahakali’s protective and transformative energy. State your intentions for working with the Yantra, whether for protection, prosperity, or spiritual growth.
  3. Mantra Chanting: While holding the Kavach, chant the Mahakali Mantra: “Om Kreeng Kalikaye Namah, Om Kapalingaye Namah.” Repeat the mantra 108 times or for a duration that feels resonant.
  4. Offerings: You can make simple offerings to the Yantra, such as flowers, incense, or a drop of sandalwood oil.
  5. Visualization: Conclude the ritual by envisioning the Yantra glowing with golden light, radiating Mahakali’s protective energy around you.

Daily Worship

Incorporating a short daily practice shows reverence to Mahakali and keeps your connection with her energy strong.

  1. Sacred Space: Designate a small altar or clean surface where you can place your Yantra.
  2. Offerings: Offer incense, a small flower, or light a candle or oil lamp.
  3. Chanting: Chant the Mahakali mantra for a few minutes, or as long as you feel drawn to.
  4. Prayers: Recite a devotional prayer to Mahakali, expressing gratitude and asking for her guidance and protection.

Meditation with the Yantra

Using the Yantra as a focal point can deepen your meditation practice and connect you to Mahakali’s energy.

  1. Comfortable Seat: Find a comfortable seated position where you can remain undisturbed.
  2. Yantra Placement: Place the Yantra in front of you at eye level.
  3. Gaze: Softly gaze at the center of the Yantra, allowing the geometric pattern to fill your vision.
  4. Breathing: Focus on your breath, gently letting go of distracting thoughts.
  5. Mantra (Optional): If you like, silently repeat the Mahakali mantra while focusing on the Yantra.
  6. Surrender: Allow yourself to be absorbed in the Yantra’s energy. Notice any sensations, visions, or insights that may arise.

Important Notes:

  • Guidance: If you’re new to Yantra practices, it’s helpful to seek guidance from a knowledgeable teacher or a reputable online resource.
  • Intuition: Always listen to your intuition. You can customize these practices and adjust the time based on what feels right for you

Order Your Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach Today

Embrace the divine protection and transformative blessings of Mahakali. Experience the difference this sacred Yantra can make in your life! Click here to order your Astadhatu Plated Shri Mahakali/Maha Kali Yantra Kavach now.

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